Lily Cushman
Lily Cushman is a longtime lover of music in many forms. She began studying voice at the age of 10, eventually leading her to the Berklee College of Music, where she received her undergraduate degree in 2001. For many years following, Lily made music in the clubs of the Lower East Side of NYC, while working in the music industry as an independent audio engineer and producer.
In 2007, Lily took a hiatus from the music world to study yoga full-time, and soon thereafter discovered kirtan, also known as call & response chanting. It has since become a core part of her practice, and in 2008 she began regularly leading kirtan in the New York area. In 2010, Lily co-founded the Brooklyn Yoga School, a donation-based studio in Park Slope, which is home to a vibrant chanting community with it's now famous Friday night kirtans. In 2012, she produced a live album, "Kirtan! Live From Brooklyn Yoga School," as the first release of her record imprint: Vanaras Music. Lily is currently finishing the production of the kirtan album, "Mother's Calling" by Ambika Cooper, with plans to begin recording her own full length kirtan album upon it's completion.
Kirtan! Live From Brooklyn Yoga School